2022 What Shall We Do This Year ?

 Haven’t really got a clear plan for what this year in card making should look like. Let me think, should I concentrate on one particular aspect of card making, the profit side or the pure enjoyment side of creating? Ideally I would like to do both. But, I really don’t have the desire to profit if I have to push things on people, yeah , yeah the Stampin Up angle is - share your creativity with others. I feel that I do that in that I send out cards to people, I make small connections, and I know they appreciate it. But face to face ask people if they want to purchase items through me (even if I offer to help them with projects) seems intrusive. This will mean that I fall below the mins of purchase to not be a demonstrator , but I am fine with that. That just means that I will lose my discounts on purchasing products from StampinUp!  I am really low key and respect the privacy of others.

I believe I will go about it the way that I have been... word of mouth. It seems to have worked well so far. People at work know that I make cards. They have recieved them, a few have requested cards and I am glad to honor these special requests. 

Initially my thought was to have a media presence and sell cards that way, even get an ETSY store, but honestly it seems like its more trouble than it's worth. 


  • Take things Quarterly
  • Focus on Holidays --- Christmas being the biggest
  • Always make Birthday Cards
  • Send out cards to core group of individuals every month
  • Post on FB page at least 2X/ month aim for 4X/month or weekly
  • Continue to send out international cards
  • Minimum for a single card $5.00
  • Learn more mixed media/ other forms of paper crafting
  • Pair down my stamping stash, give away products/paper stamp sets
  • Organize my working station

I will continue to use a variety of stamp sets, not just StampinUp! Of course I will give credit to the companies /creators where applicable. I will participate in at least  1 card swap this year. I will make Christmas card sets to sell.

I will come back to this post to update regularly

Q 1

Holiday Focus : Valentine's Day

Q 2

Holiday Focus : Mother's Day

Q 3

Holiday Focus : Americana/ 4th July

Q 4

Holiday Focus : Christmas
