ATC : Tea Time - Here is my favorite


This year I'm going to concentrate on my Artist Trading Cards (ATC). The ones I create are whatever strikes my fancy. As in the past I really enjoyed making the mixed media cards, I work in a very it flows ...this way... and that way. I also enjoy participating in the ATC swaps, but those are very few and far apart. 

I plan on making a set of ATC each month and I will share it here on my blog and my FB page, same name as this blog : QdotPapers

The ATC's I make will be random, and they will be for even trade only.  So if you see something you are interested in contact me for a trade - show me what ya got.

This month, January, I was feeling for some of this delicious Trader Joe's Spiced Chai. I had used up all of the ones I had previously gotten. Actually, was hoping to get some of the Winter Blend - but that was gone with the Christmas holidays 😔

But this tea ! This is my favorite. So I made some very simple ATC just using the old box. I love everything about it, the colors, the print, the designs everything! 

Here are the ATC's

The cards are in a series 1- 7 as placed in the holder if you are interested in trade.







